Tactical Chat

Persistent and Secure Tactical Chat Rooms for IBM Sametime®

Instantly share ideas, documents, and information for real-time collaboration.

"We have project teams comprised of employees scattered all over the globe. Instant Team Sessions enables them to stay current with discussions that happen before, during, and after their respective work days."


and deploy secure tactical chat rooms to bridge the right people, at the right time, to communicate in real-time about threats, missions, and status. Tactical chat rooms provide a common platform for people to connect and share information in real-time across a variety of environments.


effective and immediate communication that is designed to operate in distributed networks with low bandwidth environments. Communicate information on missions, logistics, intelligence, and status.


persistent situational awareness with automatic delivery of previous conversations and tactical chat sessions including the ability to attach documents, images, files, links, and content to tactical chat rooms. Conversations and content are available within each tactical chat room and persist across sessions.


in 30 minutes or less leveraging your existing IBM Sametime® and IBM Domino® environment. IBM Sametime® is used for the presence and core tactical chat IM service. IBM Domino® is leveraged for low bandwidth database replication, configuration, and content storage.